Associate Ryan Rayder Granted Pre-Discovery Summary Judgment

Associate Ryan Rayder obtained an early dismissal of the BMM client in a trip and fall case where plaintiff claimed to have been injured after tripping over a plank of wood outside of a renovation construction project. Ryan worked with the client to develop the requisite affidavit in support of a pre-discovery motion for summary judgment, arguing that our client was not the general contractor responsible for the subject premises.

The plaintiff's counsel argued that since depositions had not yet taken place, which could help uncover additional information, summary judgment should not be granted. However, the Court agreed with Mr. Rayder’s arguments that no further discovery would be needed under these circumstances.

As a result, the motion was granted and all claims against the firm’s client were dismissed before any significant discovery or depositions were conducted. This saved our client significant time and expense. At Barry McTiernan & Moore, a case’s life cycle is an integral performance indicator, and this case is an example of the proactive measures the firm takes to resolve issues of law at an early stage.


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