News & Press

suzanne-h Tabia Smith suzanne-h Tabia Smith

Executive Partner Suzanne Halbardier Resolves Client Claim in Pretrial Settlement.

Executive Partner Suzanne Halbardier Resolves Client Claim in Pretrial Settlement.

Suzanne Halbardier was able to resolve a claim on behalf of her clients, the former Mayor and Deputy Mayor of a Village. The plaintiffs alleged that the defendants discriminated against them and sought large damages and attorneys fees. Trial was expected to last several weeks in the Southern District of New York, but a resolution favorable to Suzanne’s clients was reached.  BMM is always prepared to try cases where a pretrial settlement is not achieved.

#BMMWINS  #bmmfirm

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Ryan-R Tabia Smith Ryan-R Tabia Smith

Senior Associate Ryan Rayder Successfully Strikes Errata Sheet That Materially Changed The Plaintiff’s Testimony.

Senior Associate Ryan Rayder Successfully Strikes Errata Sheet That Materially Changed The Plaintiff’s Testimony.

In this case from Bronx County, a plaintiff involved in a personal injury lawsuit stemming from a trip-and-fall incident at a construction site provided deposition testimony in which she expressed uncertainty regarding the circumstances of her accident and how she sustained her injuries.

Several months later, the plaintiff submitted an errata sheet that included significant modifications to her deposition statements. Following extensive motion practice, which included the preparation of an appeal to the Appellate Division, First Department, the Court concurred with Mr. Rayder's position that the plaintiff's proposed alterations to her deposition were beyond the scope allowed by CPLR 3116. By striking the errata sheet in its entirety, the Court supported Mr. Rayder’s assertion that the plaintiff's changes constituted critical, substantive modifications that fundamentally changed her original deposition testimony concerning the basis of her negligence claim.

Thorough knowledge of the law and its application are key metrics that ensure Barry McTiernan & Moore’s success and aggressive advocacy on behalf of our clients.

 #BMMWINS  #bmmfirm

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Daniel-V Tabia Smith Daniel-V Tabia Smith

Associate Daniel Voronin Obtains Summary Judgment Dismissal in Queens County Labor Law Case.

Associate Daniel Voronin Obtains Summary Judgment Dismissal in Queens County Labor Law Case

Associate Daniel Voronin successfully secured a summary judgment dismissal of the plaintiff's Complaint, which encompassed all common law and Labor Law claims, in a decade-old Labor Law case in Queens County. The plaintiff, a union electrician, initially stated that while walking backwards and uncoiling electrical wires, he stepped on an unsecured floor panel that flipped up, resulting in his left leg falling through the raised-access flooring to the concrete subfloor beneath. However, the plaintiff later changed his account, claiming that his injury occurred when he slipped on unidentified debris, leading his leg to fall into an open hole in the raised-access floor near the building's core. Compounding the inconsistencies, the plaintiff suggested the possibility of two separate accidents occurring on the same day, although he could not specify which incident happened first. The various accident reports submitted to his employer and Workers’ Compensation were also inconsistent, either neglecting to describe the debris he allegedly slipped on or omitting any mention of stepping into a hole in the raised-access floor. When presented with these differing accident reports and photographs of the job site showing various holes in the raised-access floor, the plaintiff's memory did not improve regarding the specifics of how and where the accident transpired.

On summary judgment, Mr. Voronin filed a motion to dismiss the plaintiff's Complaint and sought contractual defense and indemnity from both the plaintiff's employer and the subcontractor responsible for the raised-access floor. A central point of Mr. Voronin's argument was that the plaintiff failed to establish the cause of his accident, which would necessitate the jury to engage in speculation regarding the incident's cause. Despite the plaintiff's objections, the Honorable Justice Timothy J. Dufficy concurred with Mr. Voronin's reasoning and dismissed the plaintiff's Complaint in its entirety. Furthermore, Judge Dufficy remarked that since the plaintiff's alleged accident was connected to his employer's work on the project, the employer was obligated to defend and indemnify both the owner and the general contractor.

Through Mr. Voronin's vigorous legal advocacy, he not only protected his client from potential financial liabilities amounting to millions in settlement or jury verdict contributions but also ensured the recovery of defense costs from the plaintiff's employer.

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leigh-k Tabia Smith leigh-k Tabia Smith

Leigh Katz Advanced to Partner

Leigh Katz Advanced to Partner

With so many positive changes happening at BMM, it is an exciting time for Leigh Katz to be named a new Partner. A proactive and skilled litigator, Leigh aligns perfectly with the firm's collaborative culture and high standards of work. In her advanced role, she says she is looking forward to working in the new, modern offices and becoming part of BMM's long and storied history.

#TEAMBMM  #employeeimpact  #advancingcareers  #bestfirm

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suzanne-h Tabia Smith suzanne-h Tabia Smith

Suzanne Halbardier Remembers President Jimmy Carter.

Suzanne Halbardier Remembers President Jimmy Carter.

 As we celebrate the life of President Jimmy Carter, BMM’s Suzanne Halbardier fondly remembers meeting and working with Carter several times when she was Chair of Habitat for Humanity NYC.  After building 100,000 Habitat homes, Suzanne celebrated at a Carter Work Project with him and his wife Rosalyn in 2000. She recalls Carter was a gracious man who believed in public service and truly lived his values.

We join Habitat for Humanity and the world in mourning the death of former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, a man of integrity who was dedicated to public service and helping others achieve a better life. 

Since 1984, Habitat’s Jimmy & Rosalynn Carter Work Project has touched lives around the world and, supporting the organization's mission of providing families with decent places to live. Visit their website to learn more about their work and Carter's involvement.  Carter Work Projects through the years | Carter Work Project


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Edoardo-M Tabia Smith Edoardo-M Tabia Smith

Edoardo Maffia Advanced to Senior Associate

Edoardo Maffia Advanced to Senior Associate

In December 2024, Edoardo Maffia was promoted to Senior Associate after joining BMM in 2023 and six years of practice.  Happy to be a part of a team that he describes as talented, collegial, kind and inspiring, he believes the future is bright at BMM because of the quality of life that makes up the heart of BMM.  From legal staff, associates to partners, he notes that there is a spirit of helping one another that is truly unmatched in just about any company, much less a law firm. Maffia’s promotion is the result of hard work, skill and taking advantage of opportunities that BMM offers equally to all who seek them.

#TEAMBMM  #employeeimpact  #advancingcareers  #bestfirm

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thomas-d Tabia Smith thomas-d Tabia Smith

Associate Tom Daly Doubles Down with 2 Pre-Discovery Dismissals.

Associate Tom Daly Doubles Down with 2 Pre-Discovery Dismissals.

Associate Thomas Daly has successfully obtained a stipulation of discontinuance in a Labor Law action. The client, a construction contractor based in Bronx County, was mistakenly identified as a defendant due to a bid proposal submitted for a construction project. The client's bid was never accepted by the general contractor, and consequently, the client did not undertake any work at the site in question. Tom conducted a meeting with the client and subsequently prepared an affidavit confirming the client's lack of involvement at the project location where the plaintiff sustained injuries. Although the action had recently been consolidated with two related cases, Tom was able to obtain the plaintiff's agreement to discontinue the action prior to any co-defendants filing crossclaims against our client in the newly consolidated matter. The stipulation of discontinuance was then duly ordered by a Justice of the Bronx County Supreme Court.

In another matter, Tom secured another pre-discovery stipulation of discontinuance in a premises liability case involving two clients of the firm. The clients in this sidewalk slip and fall lawsuit included a corporate landowner located in Kings County and an individual shareholder of that corporation. Our office filed its appearance in March 2024 and promptly engaged an investigator to conduct a property boundary survey. Following the acquisition of an affidavit from the client, Tom effectively utilized the property survey to persuade opposing counsel that the plaintiff's injury actually took place on an adjacent property. A few weeks later, the plaintiff's counsel consented to discontinue the entire action against both clients.  

Life-cycle is a Key Performance Indicator the firm uses as a measure of success for our clients and Tom’s success in both of these matters demonstrates the benefits of a metric-based approach to litigating claims.
#BMMWINS #bmmfirm

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suzanne-h Tabia Smith suzanne-h Tabia Smith

Executive Partner Suzanne Halbardier will Speak at the New York Asbestos Litigation Conference.

Executive Partner Suzanne Halbardier will Speak at the New York Asbestos Litigation Conference.

 Suzanne Halbardier will speak at the New York Asbestos Litigation Conference- on December 11 at the New York City Bar Association. Hosted by Perrin Conferences, the leader in joint plaintiff/defense conferences, this one-of-a-kind conference provides an opportunity to network with and learn from prominent attorneys, judges, in-house counsel, insurance professionals, and industry experts. To view the agenda and register, please visit:

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Daniel-V Tabia Smith Daniel-V Tabia Smith

Associate Daniel Voronin Obtains Early Discontinuance in Fraudulent Bronx County Labor Law Case.

Associate Daniel Voronin Obtains Early Discontinuance in Fraudulent Bronx County Labor Law Case.

Associate Daniel Voronin obtained a stipulation of discontinuance with prejudice in a fraudulent Bronx County Labor Law case. The plaintiff had allegedly fallen 8-10 feet from a ladder on a commercial construction project on a Monday, sustaining injuries to his neck, lower back, left shoulder, right hip, and right knee, as well as a traumatic brain injury. However, Voronin's investigation revealed that the plaintiff and his entire crew had been laid off the previous Friday, and the plaintiff did not even clock in to work on the day of the alleged accident.

Voronin immediately retained an investigator to obtain statements from the three purported accident witnesses listed in the plaintiff's Workers' Compensation report. These witness statements confirmed that the plaintiff's claims were fraudulent. When Voronin presented this evidence to the plaintiff's counsel, the counsel moved to be relieved as counsel. Voronin opposed the motion and cross-moved to assert the affirmative defense and counterclaim of fraud.

At the hearing before Judge Alison Y. Tuitt of the Supreme Court, Bronx County, Voronin argued that the court should not allow the perpetuation of clearly fraudulent cases. Judge Tuitt agreed with Voronin and directed the plaintiff's counsel to return with further information regarding the circumstances of their withdrawal.

Within a week, the plaintiff's counsel reached out to Voronin and agreed to voluntarily discontinue the claim with prejudice, with the plaintiff's consent. Thanks to Voronin's aggressive and proactive approach, he was able to dispose of the fraudulent case during the early stages of discovery, saving the general contractor client millions of dollars in potential settlement or verdict. 

This excellent result for our client flows from the firm's metric-based approach to litigation, where we identify our clients’ key performance indicators when handling cases.
#BMMWINS #bmmfirm

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Congratulations to Our 2024 Super Lawyers and Rising Stars

Congratulations to Our 2024 Super Lawyers and Rising Stars

It is an honor—but no surprise—that our colleagues have been recognized on the New York Metro Super Lawyers list.

We are so proud of our talented team, including repeat nominations for Suzanne Halbardier, Alex Malino, Paul McTiernan, and Claire Rush, and acknowledgment of attorneys Ashley Johnston, Ryan Rayder, and Edoardo Maffia and their great work.

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alex-m Tabia Smith alex-m Tabia Smith

Managing Partner Alex Malino Sits with Eyewitness News Reporter to Discuss NY Law Firm Seeking to Walk Away from Hundreds of Lawsuits

Managing Partner Alex Malino Sits with Eyewitness News Reporter to Discuss NY Law Firm Seeking to Walk Away from Hundreds of Lawsuits.

Managing Partner Alex Malino provides his take to @abc7NY Kristin Thorne regarding the many personal injury firms trying to withdraw from hundreds of personal injury lawsuits where fraud could be involved.

#bmmfirm  #firmnews #abc7NY

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Daniel-V Tabia Smith Daniel-V Tabia Smith

Associate Daniel Voronin Obtains Favorable Summary Judgment Decision in Labor Law Case.

Associate Daniel Voronin Obtains Favorable Summary Judgment Decision in Labor Law Case.

Associate Daniel Voronin, Esq. obtained summary judgment in Kings County (Brooklyn) of all claims under Labor Law 240(1) as well as a partial dismissal of common law negligence/Labor Law 200 and Labor Law 241(6) claims. Plaintiff, a crane operator, was walking down an internal building staircase at the end of his shift when the handrail he was holding dislodged from the wall, causing him to fall down the stairs.

Plaintiff moved for summary judgment on Labor Law 240(1), asserting the fall was a gravity-related accident that occurred in a permanent staircase and that the stairs were an “inadequate safety device” because they were the only means of access out of the building. Mr. Voronin, in arguing for dismissal of Labor Law 240(1), asserted that falls in a permanent stairway fall outside the protections of Labor Law 240(1), and that plaintiff had other means to exit the building besides the internal staircase. Judge Ingrid Joseph of the Supreme Court, Kings County, agreed with our arguments. She specifically noted that she is bound by Second Department case law that falls occurring in permanent building structures, such as stairwells, fall outside the purview of Labor Law 240(1). Further, plaintiff failed to provide evidence that the stairs were an “inadequate safety device” and the sole means of access outside the building. As such, Judge Joseph dismissed the claim asserted under Labor Law 240(1).

This decision will greatly aid our client in future settlement discussions, as there is no longer a threat of interest running after judgment. At BMM, we strive to fight hard for our clients and put them in the best position for resolution. This decision is a great example of how thorough research and a strong argument reduced our client’s potential exposure in the case.
#BMMWINS #bmmfirm

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patricia-s Tabia Smith patricia-s Tabia Smith

A Tribute to Patricia Sullivan on Her Retirement.

A Tribute to Patricia Sullivan on Her Retirement.

A Legacy of Professionalism and Kindness.

Barry McTiernan & Moore LLC announces the retirement of Patricia Sullivan, a beloved member of our firm for over 45 years. Patti has been a cornerstone of our practice, embodying the values of professionalism, intellect, kindness, and dedication that have defined our firm.

Patti’s commitment to her clients was unwavering. She approached each case with genuine care and understanding, building lasting bonds that extended beyond the attorney-client relationship. Her demeanor was always warm and welcoming, putting clients at ease and inspiring their trust.

Beyond her exceptional legal skills, Patti served as a mentor to countless colleagues. Her guidance, coupled with her unwavering support, has helped shape the careers of many Attorneys, Paralegals, and Staff at BMM. Her particular attention to detail, combined with her respect for others, made her a role model for so many.

For years, Patti had a wall hanging that perfectly embodies who she is and who so many of us strive to be:
We are visitors on this planet. We are here for ninety or one hundred years at the very most. During that period, we must try to do something good, something useful, with our lives. If you contribute to other people’s happiness, you will find the true goal, the true meaning of life.” -H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama.

Patti’s retirement marks the end of a remarkable career. Her contributions to our firm and the legal community will be remembered for years to come. Please join BMM in wishing her all the best as she embarks on this new chapter of her life.

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alex-m Tabia Smith alex-m Tabia Smith

Partner Alex Malino Obtains Stipulation of Dismissal Against Insured/Property Owner Less Than 30 Days After Case Filing. 

Partner Alex Malino Obtains Stipulation of Dismissal Against Insured/Property Owner Less Than 30 Days After Case Filing. 

Partner Alex Malino obtained an early dismissal in a case alleging serious personal injuries to an infant at a daycare center.  He was able to negotiate a stipulation with the co-defendant daycare center which outlined control and ownership of certain equipment on the playground where the infant plaintiff was alleged to have been injured.

After obtaining the stipulation from the daycare center, Attorney Malino convinced the plaintiff to discontinue the action against our client property owner before any pleadings other than an answer was filed.  This continues to show the firm’s dedication to internal and client metrics involving life cycle while working diligently to seek dismissals of cases, pre-discovery, at a tremendous cost savings to the insurer and giving peace of mind to the client.

The firm prides itself on its metric-based approach to litigation.

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claire-r Tabia Smith claire-r Tabia Smith

Partner Claire Rush Obtained Defense Verdict On Behalf of Premises Client in Nassau County.

Partner Claire Rush Obtained Defense Verdict On Behalf of Premises Client in Nassau County.

Trial attorney and Partner Claire Rush obtained a defense verdict on behalf of a premises client in Nassau County before Judge Francis Ricigliano. Plaintiff claimed she slipped and fell on a skimmer lid near a pool/hot tub area on our client’s premises. Plaintiff claimed that she suffered lacerations to her 1st, 2nd, and 3rd right toes as well as tenosynovitis and neuropathic pain in her right foot. She alleged a lost earnings claim, along with a significant impact on her lifestyle due to the injuries.

In obtaining the defense verdict, Claire used social media posts as well as information learned about the plaintiff's lifestyle and employment. Claire cross-examined the plaintiff about her awareness of the skimmer lid, raising issues regarding her credibility. Plaintiff alleged lost wages and the inability to perform daily tasks/activities during direct. Claire cross-examined plaintiff with several photos from her social media showing she was on a cruise vacation months after the accident. Claire also developed testimony that plaintiff had a sedentary job which she could still perform, disputing her lost earnings claim. 

Prior to trial, plaintiff issued a $1,000,000 demand. The jury found in favor of Claire’s client. Congratulations to Claire Rush, whose superior trial skills once again resulted in this tremendous victory on behalf of the client. 

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kirby-s Tabia Smith kirby-s Tabia Smith

Associate Kirby Smith Obtains Defense Verdict

Associate Kirby Smith Obtains Defense Verdict

BMM Trial attorney Kirby Smith obtained a defense verdict on liability in a hotly contested three-week trial in Brooklyn before Judge Aaron D. Maslow. Our defense focused on attacking the credibility of the codefendant driver, and Kirby cross-examined him aggressively regarding his various lies. 

The codefendant was rushing home to his wife after an assignation with his girlfriend.  Kirby convinced the jury that the good-for-nothing cheating husband was speeding and recklessly sideswiped our client’s vehicle, lost control, rolled over twice, and landed on the plaintiff pedestrian who was minding his own business standing on the sidewalk on Church Avenue. Congratulations to Kirby Smith on this well-deserved victory.

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Tabia Smith Tabia Smith

BMM Relocates to 1 Battery Place!

BMM Relocates to 1 Battery Place!

BMM is excited to announce our relocation to a beautiful new office space located at 1 Battery Place, New York, NY 10004, 35th floor. The space has a contemporary design which fosters a vibrant and collaborative work environment. This move coincides with the firm’s up-scaling and commitment to maintaining a cutting-edge approach to litigation management for the benefit of our valued clients. Respect, Integrity, Ingenuity, Collaboration & Accountability continue to be the firms’s pillars both in practice and in action.

Stay tuned for more updates as we begin this new chapter!

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Daniel-V, Edoardo-M Tabia Smith Daniel-V, Edoardo-M Tabia Smith

Associates Daniel Voronin and Edoardo “Eddy” Maffia Each Obtain Pre-Discovery Summary Judgment Dismissals.

Associates Daniel Voronin and Edoardo “Eddy” Maffia Each Obtain Pre-Discovery Summary Judgment Dismissals.

Daniel Voronin obtained a pre-discovery summary judgment dismissal of a construction contractor client in a trip-and-fall case where the plaintiff allegedly sustained serious injuries after tripping over a gas valve box in the sidewalk that was missing its cover. 

After obtaining documents and photographs from the client evidencing that they actually worked on the sidewalk flag adjacent to the one containing the defective gas valve box, Daniel worked with the client to draft an affidavit reflecting the same. This affidavit was then used in Daniel’s summary judgment motion that went unopposed and was subsequently granted.

 Edoardo “Eddy” Maffia also prevailed on a pre-discovery motion to dismiss of a construction worker in a Labor Law case in Bronx Supreme where the plaintiff alleged serious injuries as a result of a fall from a ladder. As a result of Plaintiff’s failure to actively prosecute this action, Eddy immediately filed a motion to dismiss which was ultimately granted.

Ultimately, these cases were resolved prior to depositions or substantive discovery taking place. Such early intervention, aggressive file handling, and consistent communication and collaboration led to substantial time and cost savings for our clients. The life cycle of a case is a key metric, and Barry McTiernan & Moore's proactive efforts resulted in obtaining a pre-discovery summary judgment dismissal reduced unnecessary legal costs for our client.

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moya-o Tabia Smith moya-o Tabia Smith

BMM Sponsors Caribbean Attorneys Network 10th Anniversary Scholarship Gala

BMM Sponsors Caribbean Attorneys Network 10th Anniversary Scholarship Gala

Barry McTiernan & Moore LLC proudly sponsored the Caribbean Attorneys Network 10th Anniversary Scholarship Gala, which was held on Saturday, June 22, 2024, at Vetro by Russos on the Bay. CAN was established by Partner Moya M. O'Connor in June 2014. The honorees included Justice Wavny Toussaint, Judge J. Machelle Sweeting, Alecia Walters-Hinds, Lennon Edwards, Chevon Brooks, and Simone N. Archer, Esq.

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