Associate Ryan Rayder Successfully Obtains a Pre-Discovery Voluntary Discontinuance in Premises Liability Case

In an action where the plaintiff alleged to have tripped and fallen over a metal covering/plate in the roadway/street on a sidewalk in Kings County, Associate Ryan Rayder secured a voluntary discontinuance from all parties before any significant discovery occurred. Through early collaboration with our client, Ryan drafted an affidavit explaining that our client did not perform any work at or near the area where plaintiff alleged his accident took place.

After exchanging the signed affidavit on all parties, Ryan obtained a voluntarily discontinuance on all claims asserted against BMM’s client.  Because the discontinuance occurred before any significant discovery or depositions took place, Ryan was able to save our client significant time and expense in defending the case.

At Barry McTiernan & Moore, a case’s life cycle is an integral performance indicator, and this case is an example of the proactive measures the firm takes to resolve issues of law at an early stage.


Associate Daniel Voronin Obtains an Early Discontinuance in a Labor Law Case


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