Associates Daniel Voronin and Edoardo “Eddy” Maffia Each Obtain Pre-Discovery Summary Judgment Dismissals.

Daniel Voronin obtained a pre-discovery summary judgment dismissal of a construction contractor client in a trip-and-fall case where the plaintiff allegedly sustained serious injuries after tripping over a gas valve box in the sidewalk that was missing its cover. 

After obtaining documents and photographs from the client evidencing that they actually worked on the sidewalk flag adjacent to the one containing the defective gas valve box, Daniel worked with the client to draft an affidavit reflecting the same. This affidavit was then used in Daniel’s summary judgment motion that went unopposed and was subsequently granted.

 Edoardo “Eddy” Maffia also prevailed on a pre-discovery motion to dismiss of a construction worker in a Labor Law case in Bronx Supreme where the plaintiff alleged serious injuries as a result of a fall from a ladder. As a result of Plaintiff’s failure to actively prosecute this action, Eddy immediately filed a motion to dismiss which was ultimately granted.

Ultimately, these cases were resolved prior to depositions or substantive discovery taking place. Such early intervention, aggressive file handling, and consistent communication and collaboration led to substantial time and cost savings for our clients. The life cycle of a case is a key metric, and Barry McTiernan & Moore's proactive efforts resulted in obtaining a pre-discovery summary judgment dismissal reduced unnecessary legal costs for our client.


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