News & Press

Edoardo-M Tabia Smith Edoardo-M Tabia Smith

Edoardo Maffia Advanced to Senior Associate

Edoardo Maffia Advanced to Senior Associate

In December 2024, Edoardo Maffia was promoted to Senior Associate after joining BMM in 2023 and six years of practice.  Happy to be a part of a team that he describes as talented, collegial, kind and inspiring, he believes the future is bright at BMM because of the quality of life that makes up the heart of BMM.  From legal staff, associates to partners, he notes that there is a spirit of helping one another that is truly unmatched in just about any company, much less a law firm. Maffia’s promotion is the result of hard work, skill and taking advantage of opportunities that BMM offers equally to all who seek them.

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Congratulations to Our 2024 Super Lawyers and Rising Stars

Congratulations to Our 2024 Super Lawyers and Rising Stars

It is an honor—but no surprise—that our colleagues have been recognized on the New York Metro Super Lawyers list.

We are so proud of our talented team, including repeat nominations for Suzanne Halbardier, Alex Malino, Paul McTiernan, and Claire Rush, and acknowledgment of attorneys Ashley Johnston, Ryan Rayder, and Edoardo Maffia and their great work.

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Daniel-V, Edoardo-M Tabia Smith Daniel-V, Edoardo-M Tabia Smith

Associates Daniel Voronin and Edoardo “Eddy” Maffia Each Obtain Pre-Discovery Summary Judgment Dismissals.

Associates Daniel Voronin and Edoardo “Eddy” Maffia Each Obtain Pre-Discovery Summary Judgment Dismissals.

Daniel Voronin obtained a pre-discovery summary judgment dismissal of a construction contractor client in a trip-and-fall case where the plaintiff allegedly sustained serious injuries after tripping over a gas valve box in the sidewalk that was missing its cover. 

After obtaining documents and photographs from the client evidencing that they actually worked on the sidewalk flag adjacent to the one containing the defective gas valve box, Daniel worked with the client to draft an affidavit reflecting the same. This affidavit was then used in Daniel’s summary judgment motion that went unopposed and was subsequently granted.

 Edoardo “Eddy” Maffia also prevailed on a pre-discovery motion to dismiss of a construction worker in a Labor Law case in Bronx Supreme where the plaintiff alleged serious injuries as a result of a fall from a ladder. As a result of Plaintiff’s failure to actively prosecute this action, Eddy immediately filed a motion to dismiss which was ultimately granted.

Ultimately, these cases were resolved prior to depositions or substantive discovery taking place. Such early intervention, aggressive file handling, and consistent communication and collaboration led to substantial time and cost savings for our clients. The life cycle of a case is a key metric, and Barry McTiernan & Moore's proactive efforts resulted in obtaining a pre-discovery summary judgment dismissal reduced unnecessary legal costs for our client.

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suzanne-h, alex-m, claire-r, ashley-j, Edoardo-M, Ryan-R Tabia Smith suzanne-h, alex-m, claire-r, ashley-j, Edoardo-M, Ryan-R Tabia Smith

Congratulations to BMM’s 2024 Super Lawyers and Rising Stars

Congratulations to BMM’s 2024 Super Lawyers and Rising Stars

Barry McTiernan and Moore is excited to congratulate six of our lawyers who were recognized as 2024 Super Lawyers and Rising Stars!

Congratulations to BMM’s 2024 Super Lawyers! Executive Partner Suzanne Halbardier was selected for her fifteenth consecutive year in Environmental defense. Managing Partner Alex Malino was selected for his third consecutive year in Construction Litigation defense. Partner Claire Rush was selected for her twelfth consecutive year in Personal Injury defense.

We are also excited to announce BMM’s 2024 Rising Stars! Senior Associate Ashley Johnston was selected for her first year in Product Liability defense. Senior Associate Ryan Rayder was selected for his second year in Personal Injury defense, and Associate Edoardo Maffia was also selected for his second year in Civil Litigation defense.

The hardworking and dedicated attorneys at Barry McTiernan and Moore have consistently been recognized for their award-winning services to the firm. BMM is proud of all that our attorneys have accomplished, and their great work ethic and enthusiasm continue to make BMM a pillar in the New York legal community.

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Ryan-R, Edoardo-M, melissa-w Tabia Smith Ryan-R, Edoardo-M, melissa-w Tabia Smith

BMM Associates Attend CLM Alliance Conference in San Francisco.

BMM Associates Attend CLM Alliance Conference in San Francisco.

BMM Associates Edoardo Maffia, Ryan Rayder, and Melissa Wolin attended an informative CLM Alliance conference in San Francisco.  Eddy, Melissa, and Ryan met with several attorneys and industry professionals, fostering valuable connections to cultivate future collaboration. It was a diverse group from various backgrounds and regions, all dedicated to overcoming challenges and enhancing the claims handling process through innovative solutions and collaborative efforts.

In addition to meetings, our Associates participated with members of the CLM Alliance in community service events with Habitat for Humanity where they built playhouses for underprivileged children and provided nutritious meals to people in need with Project Open Hand.

Here’s what they had to say about the event:

 “An incredible experience I will always cherish. To be able to provide a tangible good for those in need was a wonderful experience. I felt it further helped foster a sense of team building amongst the participants.” - Edoardo Maffia

 “The thing that stood out the most to me this year was a renewed sense of handling claims collaboratively between claims professionals and defense attorneys. At almost every single lecture I attended, the topic of being open, honest, and transparent from the moment a claim is opened, all the way up until trial. Especially with nuclear verdicts being on the rise, all the presenters focused on a “we need each other” message.” – Ryan Rayder

 “The highlight of the trip was building and painting playhouses for underprivileged children through Habitat for Humanity. It was rewarding knowing that both children and educators alike can benefit from our efforts. Helping with this project has made me want to be a part of more Habitat for Humanity projects in the near future. Additionally, the sense of camaraderie with the other volunteers continued throughout the conference, and we gained valuable friendships with other attorneys and claims representatives.” – Melissa Wolin

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Edoardo-M, alex-m, Daniel-V, william-j Tabia Smith Edoardo-M, alex-m, Daniel-V, william-j Tabia Smith

BMM Sponsors Saint Dominic’s Family Services

BMM Sponsors Saint Dominic’s Family Services.

Once again, Barry McTiernan & Moore LLC is a proud sponsor of the 43rd Annual Friends of Saint Dominic’s event benefiting Saint Dominic's Family Services! Their mission is to empower children, adults, and families facing challenges to thrive in their communities by addressing their needs with compassion, dignity, and care. 

The event was hosted by the Archbishop of New York, Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan. The event chairman, Eugene Peter White, Executive Vice President, Client Relations for STO Building Group has been a longtime supporter and client of the firm. The event brings together those active in the NY construction community to raise funds for this great cause. We are always proud and honored to sponsor such a wonderful event and partner with our long-standing client who continues to do great things in our community.

Brendan Moynihan, Vice President of Claims for STO Building Group along with BMM Attorneys Alex Malino, William Joyce, Daniel Voronin, Esq., and Edoardo Maffia attended the organization's annual networking event where $1.2 million was raised!

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Edoardo-M Tabia Smith Edoardo-M Tabia Smith

BMM Attends Fordham University School of Law Small & Midsize Law Firm Reception.

BMM Attends Fordham University School of Law Small & Midsize Law Firm Reception.

Barry McTiernan & Moore LLC had the honor of attending the Fordham University School of Law Small & Midsize Law Firm reception last week. The students had the opportunity to speak with our Human Resources department Shelly Evans, Tabia Smith, and one of our Associates, Edoardo Maffia.

Our firm discussed our 2024 Summer Internship with the students and spoke with 3L students about working for us full-time after graduation. This was a wonderful experience for everyone especially because Eddy is a Fordham Alumni, and he described his experience as very surreal (in the best way possible) to be back at Fordham on the other side of the tables to recruit. It is important at BMM that we create a pipeline with the students and provide the students with hands-on real legal experience to become great lawyers in the future.

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Edoardo-M Tabia Smith Edoardo-M Tabia Smith

Associate Edoardo “Eddy” Maffia Obtains Pre-discovery Voluntary Dismissal

Associate Edoardo “Eddy” Maffia Obtains Pre-discovery Voluntary Dismissal.

Edoardo “Eddy” Maffia obtained a voluntary dismissal in a Labor Law case on behalf of our Garage Operator client where the Plaintiff allegedly sustained serious injuries from a construction site accident. This matter was resolved prior to depositions or substantive discovery taking place.

The Plaintiff’s alleged accident occurred when he tripped and fell on debris in the course of his employment as a construction worker on the garage floor of the premises. Early intervention, aggressive file handling, and consistent communication and collaboration with the client led Eddy to ascertain that our client had halted operations due to the COVID-19 pandemic and was not on site on the date of loss. As such, our client had been incorrectly named as a defendant. Eddy coordinated with the client to obtain the necessary documentation and was able to convince Plaintiff and two Co-Defendants to withdraw their claims and crossclaims against our client.

The early discontinuance led to substantial time and cost savings for our client and removed the matter from their loss runs. In this matter, the life cycle of the case was a key metric, and Barry McTiernan & Moore's proactive efforts resulted in an early dismissal and reduced unnecessary legal costs for our client.

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Congratulations to BMM’s 2023 Super Lawyers and Rising Stars.

Congratulations to BMM’s 2023 Super Lawyers and Rising Stars.

Barry McTiernan and Moore is excited to congratulate 7 of our lawyers who were recognized as 2023 Super Lawyers and Rising Stars!

BMM’s 2023 Super Lawyers are, Executive Partner, Suzanne Halbardier was selected for her fourteenth consecutive year for Environmental defense. Managing Partner, Alex Malino was selected for his second consecutive year in Constructional Litigation defense. Partner, Claire Rush was selected for her eleventh consecutive year for Personal Injury defense. Of Counsel, Roger "Paul" McTiernan Jr. was selected for his tenth consecutive year for Construction Litigation defense. Of Counsel, Richard Wedinger was selected for his tenth consecutive year for Civil Litigation defense.

We are also excited to announce BMM’s 2023 Rising Stars! Senior Associate, Ryan Rayder was selected for his first year for Personal Injury defense, and Associate, Edoardo Maffia was also selected for his first year for Civil Litigation defense.

Barry McTiernan and Moore’s dedicated and award-winning attorneys truly make us unique as a firm and well-known to the Tri-state legal community. They continue to show their enthusiasm, great work ethic, and individuality on a daily basis which puts BMM on the path to legal success.

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Edoardo-M, william-j Tabia Smith Edoardo-M, william-j Tabia Smith

William D. Joyce, III and Edoardo “Eddy” Maffia Obtained Another Pre-Answer Discontinuance on behalf of BMM Client in Labor Law Case

William D. Joyce, III, and Edoardo “Eddy” Maffia Obtained Another Pre-Answer Discontinuance on behalf of BMM Client in Labor Law Case

Partner William D. Joyce, III, and Attorney Edoardo “Eddy” Maffia obtained a pre-answer discontinuance on behalf of our client in a Labor Law case in which the Plaintiff allegedly sustained serious injuries from a construction site.

The plaintiff claimed that while carrying long metal strips down a stairwell, said strips got caught under his feet and caused him to trip and fall to the lower floor’s landing. The plaintiff named our client as a direct defendant in his individual capacity. Eddy and Bill zealously defended our client’s interests by advising Plaintiff’s counsel on multiple occasions that it was patently improper for Plaintiff to name our client in his individual capacity. Eddy and Bill discussed with counsel for Plaintiff at great length and ultimately advised that a motion to dismiss seeking sanctions would be filed if Plaintiff did not agree to sign a stipulation of discontinuance. After significant back and forth, Plaintiff agreed and voluntarily discontinued his causes of action against our client. The result was substantial time and cost savings for our client. In this matter, the life cycle of the case was a key metric, and Barry McTiernan & Moore's proactive efforts resulted in an early resolution and reduced unnecessary legal costs for our client.

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Edoardo-M, william-j Tabia Smith Edoardo-M, william-j Tabia Smith

Edoardo “Eddy” Maffia and William D. Joyce, III Obtained Pre-Answer Discontinuance on behalf of BMM Client in Labor Law Case

Edoardo “Eddy” Maffia and William D. Joyce, III Obtained Pre-Answer Discontinuance on behalf of BMM Client in Labor Law Case

Attorney Edoardo “Eddy” Maffia and Partner William D. Joyce, III obtained a pre-answer discontinuance on behalf of our client in a Labor Law case in which the Plaintiff allegedly sustained serious injuries at a construction site. This matter was resolved within 9 days of assignment.

The plaintiff’s alleged accident occurred as part of his work on the 65th floor as an operational engineer. Early intervention and aggressive file handling by Eddy and Bill led to our discovery that our client was the construction manager on the lower floors of the same building and had been incorrectly named as a party to the litigation. Eddy and Bill coordinated with the client to obtain the necessary documentation and prepared an affidavit that was sent to the Plaintiff’s counsel’s office, which established that our client did not belong in the case. Upon review of the affidavit, Plaintiff agreed to voluntarily discontinue our client. The early dismissal was a victory for the client, as it resulted in substantial time and cost savings. In this matter, the life cycle of the case was a key metric, and Barry McTiernan & Moore's proactive efforts resulted in an early resolution and reduced unnecessary legal costs for our client.

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