Liebhauser and Kaushik Secure Dismissal of Labor Law Claims and Contractual Indemnification in Favor of General Contractor Client

Lynda Liebhauser and Shorav Kaushik successfully secured dismissal of plaintiff’s Labor Law section 200 and 241(6) claims against our clients, the owner and general contractor of the project.   Plaintiff alleged he was injured when a dolly collapsed while moving a piece of a crane on the dolly.  Plaintiff argued the occurrence was caused by negligence on the part of employees, the general contractor, and its agents.  In addition to BMM obtaining the dismissal of plaintiff’s claims, the Court granted our motion for contractual indemnification and common law indemnification against the subcontractors who hired plaintiff’s employer.

This result was a team effort, our office expertly developed a strategy to obtain a successful summary judgment motion and achieve this excellent result for our clients.


Patrick Whitford Obtains an Early Discontinuance in Labor Law Case


Associate Daniel Voronin Obtains an Early Discontinuance in a Labor Law Case